I am now going to see my doctor to do none stress test once a week and the other day going out of office to get ultrasounds. Yesterday was our appointment with the doctor. The baby is doing great. She is very active and happy in there. So, that is a huge relief! My body on the other hand is getting really tired. My blood pressure is still really high and now I am showing small amounts of protein in my urine. So, they sent me to the lab to get stat blood work done again and said they would call later that day with the results. However, it was already 3pm when we left the lab, so I kind of figured we wouldn't receive the results that fast... and we didn't.
So, last night since we didn't know if we were going to be having an emergency C-section today, we finished up all our last minute baby things. Like final load of unwashed baby clothes, putting sheet on her bed, putting the car-seat in the car, and packing our bags for the hospital. I am supposed to be on mild bed-rest, so that was a bit much for me. But I feel relieved it is done now!
Finally at 10am this morning one of the midwives called to tell us that the blood and urine samples came back normal. So, no C-section today. She said Preeclampsia can set on quickly though, so I will still be monitored closely and I need to watch to make sure baby in consistently moving. That is it for now...
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Follow up appt
My doctor's office squeezed me in this morning for my follow up appointment and my blood pressure is still really high. I actually met with the doctor today for the first time, because I was strictly see the midwives before this. He was really nice and right away started feeling around my belly and was all "you're Breech" (the babies head is facing up instead of down in the pelvis). I was like that is news to me, the midwifes had never grabbed my belly like that before. They always just assumed that she was head down because of where they heard her heart beat. So, he brought in the ultrasound machine and sure enough her little head is right up by my ribs! If she doesn't move in the next two weeks I will have to have a C-section, which I REALLY don't want!!!
I am now monitoring my blood pressure at home and have another follow up on Christmas Eve and the Monday following. If my blood pressure doesn't settle down we may deliver early at 37 weeks. However, I am really glad I did end up having to see my doctor or I wouldn't have found out I was Breech until delivery and probably would have had to have an emergency C-section!!
I am now monitoring my blood pressure at home and have another follow up on Christmas Eve and the Monday following. If my blood pressure doesn't settle down we may deliver early at 37 weeks. However, I am really glad I did end up having to see my doctor or I wouldn't have found out I was Breech until delivery and probably would have had to have an emergency C-section!!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
35 weeks-hospital visit

It seems like most pregnant women end up visiting the hospital at some point during their pregnancy and I am not referring to the delivery. My hospital visit came yesterday.
As soon as I hit 34 weeks I started to feel a bit different. Started experiencing some swelling, seeing some spots, and feeling some fatigue. I just thought it was because it was getting to the end of my pregnancy. But, on Saturday we had our Pregnancy Center Class and my blood pressure was really high. So, the nurse and midwife instructed us to go to the hospital for some testing/monitoring.
When we got to the hospital they checked us into labor and delivery triage. I first went into a room with the nurse and she hooked me up to a monitor for baby's heart beat and fetal movement/contractions, while she asked me a bunch of questions. In the middle of her questions her phone rang and when she got up from her chair she tripped over all the cords and totally clobbered my ankle and foot!! She was a fairly large women with sneakers on, while I was a swollen pregnant women with my feet exposed in just flip flops! OUCH! She didn't even notice she stepped on me until I grabbed my ankle in pain and then she didn't even seem too concerned! A bit odd!
Anyway, once I was done with that we only had to wait a bit before getting our own little curtained area in the triage. After doing my urine test and changing into my awesome hospital gown they hooked me up with the same baby monitors and a blood pressure cuff that took my BP every 10 minutes. After being monitored for maybe a half hour my BP was still high so they ordered blood work to check for Preeclampsia. While, waiting for the blood work to come back we got to enjoy hearing two women in the surrounding curtained areas going through their contractions. Brian was like "this probably isn't the best place for you to be right now." Definitely gave me a little anxiety!!
About a half hour later they came back with the blood and urine results which were fine, thank goodness. But my BP was still high and when my nurse was going over the monitoring readouts it showed that I was having consistent contractions, like 3 within a 10 minute period. She then checked to see if I was dilated, which I wasn't. So, she called my doctor to see if he was ok with releasing me. Since I wasn't dilated he was fine with releasing me. But, now I am on mild bed rest. I am not supposed to exercise, clean, or go shopping... which is all I ever do, so basically I can't do anything.
I have my follow up tomorrow, so we'll see what my doctor has to say and what my blood pressure is...
Friday, November 13, 2009
A couple days shy of 30 wks

So, I thought I would be better about this whole blog thing. I know it has been a while!
I will be 30 weeks on Sunday! I can't believe how fast my pregnancy has gone! I am starting to get a bit panicked about actually giving birth, since I actually am going to be in the 30's for weeks now! Last night I woke up at 3am for one of my many bathroom breaks and couldn't fall back asleep, because my mind started racing about the final approach!
We have all we need for Vivia, thanks largely to my sister's hand-me-downs and my wonderful baby shower. I have almost everything washed and ready too, now it is just figuring out insurance and we still need to go on our hospital tour.
Mood: Excited/A bit Scared
Energy Level: Mid-High (still going to the gym 4x wk)
Pounds Gained: 25lbs
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Two Days Until my Baby Shower

My sister called me this morning and told me that my niece said to her, "Saturday we get to see Juejue's baby and give her a shower!!!" Sooo funny and sad at the same time. Poor girl, literally thought the baby would be there and everyone would be giving her, her first shower! Ahhh, kids say the darndest things!
Suzy spent three days of her Fall Break making a BEAUTIFUL fondant cake for my shower!! Sweet sister! Here is a picture...
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