Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The count down begins

Friday I had an ultrasound and Vivia is extremely healthy!! Great fluid and she is huge... about 9 lbs at only 37wks!! We shall see how much she weighs on Monday!

Today I had my regular weekly appointment and my blood pressure was wicked high, but no other problems. He said I just have Gestational Hypertension, which is just high blood pressure during pregnancy. They also monitored baby's heart beat and movement. The nurse and the doctor were extremely impressed with how healthy she is. They said she has a really strong heart and is very active! Oh and she is now even more Breech than before! haha! I could tell this morning when I looked in the mirror. My belly is squared at the top where her head is. Silly girl already does whatever she wants. I wonder if this is a sign of things to come...

This Friday will be my last appointment before the C-section on Monday. They will do an in office ultrasound to check her position, even though my doctor says with her size it is HIGHLY doubtful that she would move. And then we will have our pre-surgery discussion.

Well, if I don't update again before Monday, wish us luck!! Brian will hopefully update the blog while we are in the hospital with pictures of our new baby girl!!!


  1. I can't believe already 9 pounds!!!!!! That's amazing! I guess just be happy your not pushing 9 or 10 pounds out!!!!! hehehehe

    I thought my 6 and 7 pound babies were rough:)hahahha

  2. So glad to hear she is doing well! Can't wait to meet her soon! And yes, maybe the scheduled C-Section is good considering her size! :)
    Good luck on Monday! I'll be thinking of you guys!

  3. so i pushed 9lbs 6oz out, and it wasn't that bad :)

    the epidural totally helped!

    i know i will see you before then but good luck on monday. it will all be worth it once you get to hold vivia in your arms.
